What is the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 ?

After using of Insulin since 1921, all types of diabetes can be treated but there’s no exact and permanent treatment.


Type 2 Diabetes patients have to use tablets or insulin injection every day and continiously to regulate their blood glucose levels. It’s impossible to regulate their glucose levels unless they use those medications.


Known permanent and only treatment of Type 2 Diabetes can be provided by Metabolic Surgery ( Transit Bipartition or Duodenal Switch Operations )


Where is Metabolic Surgery being applied in Bursa ?


After evaluating the availabity of the patients for Metabolic Surgery in our Bursa Diabetes and Obesity Clinic, this operation is being applied by Ersun Topal, MD,OP. via using closed ( Laparoscopic ) Surgery successfully. 


 Can Metabolic Surgery be applied for Type 1 Diabetes Disease ?


Type 1 Diabetes ( Diabetes Inspitus ) is a kind of disease, in which Insulin can never not be produced in humans body. Insulin injection by using different tools ( Syringe, Insulin pump or Insulin pens ) is the most basic treatment choice of this disease.

As a result and shortly, Metabolic Surgery is in effective for Type 1 Diabetes Disease.


The patients for whom insülin can not be produced in their bodies, insülin producing islet cell transplantation of pankreas is another treatment choice. There are 2 centers in Turkey in which this method can be applied. DİYAM ( Diabetes Research Center in the University of Istanbul and Ankara Diskapi Education and Research Hospital can help you for this operation.


What is the Difference of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Disease ?


There is any insülin production in the patients of Type 1 Diabetes !!


In type 2 diabetes ( DIABETES MELLITUS ) insülin is very little or even it’s in enough amount, it’s produced by some tissues in humans body with Insulin Residence.


What are the Classical Tretment Methods of Type 2 Diabetes ?


Classical treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus can be provided by using diet; oral antidiabetic drugs ( To decrease glucose levels ) and/or Insulin reinforcement, or combination of those drugs in order to control blood glucose levels. But if you don’t take those medications regularly, your blood glucose levels can not be provided.


In Type 2 Diabetes; using the oral drugs and insülin irregularly; Diabetes itself and some other choices for treatment, may cause some complications. If Type 2 Diabetes that is to say levels of blood glucose can not be controlled successfully, sudden complications such as hyperglisemia, ketoacidosis or non-ketotic coma may develop.







What are the Complications of Type 2 Diabetes ? Which Organs might be Effected by Diabetes ?


The most common long term complications of Diabetes Mellitus are :


  1. Heart Vessels and Circulation System ( Cardiovascular diseases ) such as hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis
  2. Chronical Kidney Failure ( Diabetic Nefropathy )
  3. Rethinopaty which may cause blindness ( Diabetic Rethinopathy )
  4. Different versions of Neuropathies ( Diabetic periferical neuropathy or diabetic sensorial polyneuropathy)
  5. Delayed cicatrisation of scars .Especially if it occurs in feet due to circulatary impairment, it can be resulted with the amputation of feet or legs.(Diabetic Foot )
  6. Microvascular Diseases ( Impotans )

    Besides the appropriate therapy of Diabetes, giving enough importance to control blood pressure and changing life styles ( Quit smoking, weight controletc. ) may decrease many risks of those chronic complications.

** In some countries, the main responsible of the amputations occured instead of trauma and blindness not related to old ages, is Diabetes Mellitus.

** In USA, 45 % of dialysis patients depending chronic renal failure, have diabetic nephropathy.

What is the Effective and Permanent Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus?

The only known & permanent treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 near 100 % success rate is, Surgical “ Ileal Interposition ” operation.

This operation is known as “ Diabetes Surgery ” . This technique is specially

developed for Diabetes Disease, by Brazilian Surgeon De Paulo at 1999.

Since then, it’s being implemented in some countries such as USA, Brazil, Japan

and India.


What kind of Surgical operation will be implemented for Diabetes Mellitus

Type 2?

 Ileal İnterposition operation can be implemented with closed methods

( laparoskopic ileal interposition ) or with open Surgery method.

Ileal Interposition ( Diabetes Operation ) is, applying a range of procedures;

Following the exenteration of stomach fundus part in order to control appetite,

taking the last portion of intestine ( terminal ileum ) into the beginning part

( treitz 20-50 cm).

In ileal interposition procedure, it’s not needed to deactivate or deabsorbate

any intestine portion / portions, just applied in " Morbid Obesity Surgery". In other words, this procedure doesn’t cause “ Malabsorbtion ” or doesn’t necessitate to use multi vitamins and minerals lifelong.

Through a catheter applied by anesthesiogist from the lumbar region ( Epidural

anesthesia ), pain signals is being blocked during ileal interposition operation.

Thus, by the help of epidural anesthesia, it becomes possible to make an unpainful Surgery.

Patients can stand up after 4 hours from the operation, can walk and the ones

who have no problem in surgical follow up’s, can begin to oral feeding

following the tests after second day of the operation.


When can I give up all medications including insulins, after Diabetes Operation ?  ( Metabolic Surgery ) 

The main goal of metabolic surgery is, not only to keep from all

medicines ( Oral antidiabetics ), insulins used for Diabetes, but also to keep

from the treatments for hypertension, cholesterol, etc. in 6 months.

( The definition of total remission by Metaabolic Surgery )

During this period, it’s aimed “ Blood glucose regulation ” and reducing HbA1C

level below 6,5 % without using any medication.


What are the most common complications of Diabetes Surgery ? ( Metabolic Surgery )

 - Bleeding durinor after the operation ( 1-3 % ) 

-  Intraabdominal or local Infection ( 1-5 % )

-  Leaking / Dropping in the new pathways between stomach or intestines

    ( 2-4 % ) 

- Deep Vein Trombosis ( 1-2 % ) 

- Intolerance of foods and dehidratation ( 8-10 % )

- Iron deficiency anemia ( 6-8 % ) 

- Vitamin D deficiency 

- Complications related to surgery ( 4-5 % )

* Major morbidity rate 8,4

Rare Complications :

- Esophageal reflux

- Nausea & Vomitting

- Hypoglicemia ( Low Blood Glucose Levels )

- Diarrhea ( Especially due to fatty food )

- Amnesia ( Memory problems )

- Drop foot ( Related to fast weight loss ) 

- Death ( Mortality ) Lower than 1 %

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